Monday, May 7, 2007

Interview with Melynda

1. Professionally, what are you the most proud of?
I guess I would have to say that I'm most proud of getting my college degree. I know that I could have found a job without my degree, but I'm so happy that I finished school when I did. It was a great experience!
2. If you could trade places with any other person who would it be and why?
I don't know, um I really liked Cameron Diaz's character, Amanda, in the Holiday. I would love to go to England, fall in love with a British man, and live happily ever after. Who wouldn't?
3. Veronica Mars or 24? Why?
This is kind of a hard question for me. I really love both of these shows. If I have to decide, I guess I would go with 24 because such shocking things develop in that show. I love VM, and we all know that I was addicted to both shows when watching them on dvd, but I think I am leaning more to 24. Gotta love that Jack Bauer!
4. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation-where would it be and why?
I would absolutely love to go to Europe, but if I had the opportunity to pick anywhere, I would choose Australia and New Zealand. I think they're fairly close, so I would like to visit both places on the same trip. I have read a few books that take place in Australia and it sounds absolutely wonderful!
5. What would you call the perfect first date?
Well, I think that the perfect date would first of all be with someone that I really really liked. This might sound totally sappy, but I think a horseback ride and a picnic either out in a green green field, or in the beautiful forest with pine trees would be so awesome! I know, I know, I'm a little nervous about horses, but they're so pretty and it would be really fun, I think.


TyGuy said...

Kenj- you are such an awesome and amazing person! I really enjoyed your interview responses - especially the falling in love with a British man bit. I learned a lot about you! - but I always knew how awesome you were.

Every time I pull your page up when Krystal is with me, she says, "Yay! My Kenj!"

Lindsey Hansen said...

Kenj! You surprised me with the answers you put on some of those questions. I never knew that about you! I love you!