Wednesday, May 2, 2007

If Only......

Today I was bugged by a few things that happened at work. Now that I've thought about it for a couple hours after work, it's not bugging me as bad, but I have often thought that if only people thought things through the same way I did, I wouldn't have to deal with problems like this one. It's not that big of a deal now, but at 4:00 when I got off work I was so annoyed! I'm going to get over it, I know, and I'm trying to make myself deal with the situation the best way possible. But, if only..... It seems like it was just one of those days when everything that could possibly go wrong went wrong. I guess it's a test for me. I need to learn to "roll with the punches" and not let things upset me the way they do. When all of this was going on, I kept thinking, "if only today were Friday" Yeah, like that's going to solve everything for me! I should be thinking things like "if only I were more patient" then I could deal with situations better. Now that I really think about it, I think I have "if only" sydrome sometimes. I really am grateful for the things I have and the experiences I have in my life. Everything is really quite fine! Okay, this was a great way for me to think about the situation and GET OVER IT!!!

1 comment:

Lindsey Hansen said...

That's a good way to deal with those things that bug you! I am going to have to do that same thing. I am going to have to learn to keep my mouth shut sometimes. I have an issue when it comes to things like that. That's when I get in trouble- when I speak my mind! You can only speak your mind when it is convenient! :) If only things worked out the way we want them to right?