Sunday, November 18, 2007

Weekend at Wolf Creek

We had a great time in Wolf Creek this weekend! Mom & Dad got the condo, but couldn't stay Saturday night, so they offered it to us girls. Of course, we couldn't pass it up! We left Saturday morning and stopped in Layton to eat lunch and pick up the keys to the room from Mom & Dad. It's kind of funny because you'd think that a group of girls heading out for the weekend would watch chick flicks and paint toenails or something of the sort, but we didn't. We actually watched Transformers, yes, that's right, you heard it, we watched Transformers. I'm not going to lie, I've wanted to see it for awhile now, and I must say that I really did enjoy it. We had treats and stuff and then Mollie and Lindsey brought a special recipe for sweet pork and tomatillo dressing just like Cafe Rio! Yummy! The got the recipe from Mollie's sister when they went down to Arizona last weekend. I can't believe how much it tasted like the real thing! So, we had sweet pork salads and played Disney Scene It until we couldn't stay awake any longer.

I had only been to Wolf Creek one other time with some friends in the middle of the winter, so I didn't really know how it looked without snow. The valley is beautiful and reminds me so much of what home is like this time of the year. I went for a nice little walk this morning and enjoyed nature. I'm glad that we could all go this weekend. I had a great time, and it's so nice to have good, fun friends, and a little sis living so close now! Thanks for going girlies!


jackie said...

Looks so fun! I've been to Wolf Creek once and that was last year for our anniversary. It is so beautiful there! Sometimes I wish I was still single and could do what you girls do, but I wouldn't trade my little McKenna for anything! Love ya and I'm so excited to see you in a few days!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like fun! Wolf Creek is nice. Love your blog.

M- your favorite said...

Thanks- that was a great weekend. I think we should plan another weekend get away! They are just what we need. Your right it is fun to have GREAT friends to do things with.

Thanks It was a blast!