Monday, April 30, 2007

My Cute little McKenna!

I never knew how fun it would be to be an aunt! I love this little baby so much! She has got to have the prettiest eyes ever. It's funny how McKenna has changed our family so much. We were in Vernal this past weekend for Lindsey's USU graduation and it was funny how many times our conversations reverted to her. Everyone was sharing pictures from the cell phones because she's on all of our phones and our fridges and computers too! How can we even resist, I mean just look at her! She brings so much happiness into our family and we all love her so much! I can't believe she's already 7 months and she just cut her first teeth. My how the time flies. As Dad likes to say, she'll be part of our "group" (the girls group) before you know it!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Okay - I am DYING!!! She is so dang cute. Sheesh! I need her on my fridge :)! You are such a good aunt Kenj - honestly ... my kids consider you aunt material as well. I'm happy your bloggin'! Hope you don't mind that I dropped in.
Love, Michelle